Blog eats Blog by Rachel

Y Combi?

Tue Feb 21 2006 21:53 MST #

Thanks for applying to the Summer Founders Program. We'll be in touch by February 21.

The Y Combinators

Oh, I am still counting down the hours. 1 hr 16 minutes till midnight EST, 4 16 minutes for PST. THey must be in one of those two locations. I suppose at absolute worst they would reply by midnight in Kiribati (pronounce like Kirabas). I don't think I will stay up that late.

By the way, i have to share my fun fact about Kiribati.

  1. Corruption of the word Gilbert, Kiribati used to be known as the Gilbert Islands.

  2. Missionaries did not give the locals the letter 's' in their language, which is why it is spelled Kiribati but pronounced Kiribas. Guess that is what the 'ti' was for. "Oh you don't need an 's'. 'S' is for wimps. I mean wimpti"

What the hell is YCombinator, you might be asking. It's for replicants, according to Jennifer 8. Lee at the NYT.

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