.exrc tabs expand and unexpand remap tabspace, and hardtabs, T@ -- tabify 2 TT -- expand to tabs\ TS -- to spaces go to next, got to last ###set filec quote things Text::AutoFormat -->map to all ##alais thing , not meta structs Mail in edit #Data dumper-> more time withwife ##map most often used things to same char stuff #?? -> man page write hash bang perl udd -> uses data::Dumper; print Dumper(%%%cursor here %%%) print "\n"; ############################################################################## ##Mac OSX XSHELF lagercrantz.ath.cx --> sharing clipboard international launcher script Youpi Key uControl #### limit coredumpsize 0 realias edits .aliases winnow, show and de1lete grab argV show some of file getraw --> gets y or n and deletes file setenv cd ls cd dir1 dir2 dir3 cd * alais cd set cdargs(\!) bounce dirs cdd if $?ld dir then cd $ld else cd `cat ~/.context/lo` end ld cd lastdir take files to dir moves files to place (even if it doesn't exist) and cds you there ### find module dir command fmd Data D moves to Data::Dumper dir uses the enhanced cd ## Editors in the shell v = vi to line # gvi = grep then vi ### exe handy executes handy where ever it is, what ever it's perms ## killproc, kill based on pattern, show an kill ### complete less 'p/*/t/' less only completes dirs #### untar - untars (into a new dir ) (unzips) ####