##Junctions of subs $test = @($run_junk, $do_stuff) &test; if (any(@number)>10) { } if ($x|$y|$z > 10) { } while (<>>) { print $_if $_ != $seen; $seen &= $_ ; ## wow ! } #zip for zip(@keys, @vals) = $key, $val { } ##Unicode keywords >> have Asscii counterparts ##Unions my Dog $woof my Cow $moo my Dog|Cow $moof ####DWIM if 1 < $x <10 # works if 0 < all (@coefficents) < 1 ## auto Params alpabetic ordering of $^vars $^a $^b just like sort, but for all subs all var names ## assume $good_fun = &lame_func (a, b, c ,d e ,f ).assume(=>1, b=>2,c=>3,d=>4,e=5); &$good_func(6666); # nice #Parmas PASS BY NAME ()+FROM #switch given $val { when &sub {] &run now } # PARENS OPTIONAL #for loop ($x=0;x<10$x++){ ... } loop { ... } # jsut a sub for @dat &sub for @data sub($x){ print $x; ## $ } for @data -> $next { print $next } #sub infix ¼ equiv { return reduce {$^a+$^b} @x<<* >> @y } #macros pump out text or blocks ### Class keyword has keyword gives attributes my class DOG { has $.name }